Quids in Universal Credit Watch graphic

Moving to UC Checklist

As Universal Credit continues it’s rollout across the UK, more and more people are experiencing problems as their benefit payments move to the new system.

Using our Universal Credit Guide with input from our partner Clean Slate, we’ve complied a checklist so that you can prepare and plan for when the changes come in:

Before we sit down at a computer to make our claim, we’ll need to make sure we have the following information to hand. Until we do, we cannot complete the claim and payments will be delayed. Your partner also needs the same information to hand.
  1. Proof of I.D.
  2. National Insurance Number
  3. Our email address
  4. Our phone number
  5. Our address
  6. Our landlord’s address
  7. How much rent we pay (proof may be required, such as a tenancy agreement)
  8. Our bank details
  9. Details of any savings we have
  10. Full details of our salary or any other income (including other benefits)

If we have children

  1. Their details, Child Benefit number
  2. Childcare Provider’s address and registration number


  • If you are making a new benefit claim you will need a computer for 20-60mins depending on your computer skills.
  • You will need to enter personal details so if you can, try not to use a public computer.
  • Remember you cannot save your work and walk away, it has to be done in one sitting.

Grab a copy of the latest edition of the Quids in! Universal Credit Guide for £1.50 online here.

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