We could all do with a bit more money in our pockets but, of course, it’s easier said than done. What if there was something simple we could all do to improve our finances in the future?
Well, fortunately, there is. And the good news is that, if you’re reading this, you’re already on board. What’s one of the best secrets to becoming better off? Simple. Being online.
The Best Way to Bank
According to Lloyds Bank, 7 out of 10 people say online banking helped them dodge overdraft fees. Those of us who bank online are also twice as likely to save… and to save twice as much. It doesn’t matter how much we’re bringing in – we all benefit.
Quids in!’s most recent research found only 63% of low income renters in the UK have a bank account. So, two in five people face all sorts of barriers to maxing their cash – from receiving benefits to getting a job. It also means they can’t save money, time and hassle through direct debits to cover bills. A bank account is something everyone should have access to, and online banking is the best way to do it.
Setting up online banking is now easier than ever, with most banks offering help to set customers up in branch. Check out our banking guide for info and advice on everything from direct debits to free-to-use Basic Bank accounts.
Stay Ahead of the Curve
With the rollout of Universal Credit (UC), almost everyone who is working age and claims benefit will need to be online. The government say the roll out will be complete by 2022 but in many areas it’s already in place. As well as being a requirement for UC, being online means we can be sure we’re getting all we’re due. Online benefit checkers are free to use, anonymous and can be filled out in minutes.
Over on our Benefits section you can find all the info you need. From advice on UC, Disability benefits and Housing benefit to benefit checkers and more.
Saving More (Shopping Around)
It’s not just banking and benefits where being online can help save money. Whether you’re buying furniture or shopping for home insurance, online deals often offer best value. Online comparison sites take the pain out of shopping around for things like insurance or even booking holidays. Then there’s online marketplaces like eBay or Shpock, where bargains can be had on everything from clothes to books. Going even further, websites like Freecycle offer second-hand items for free.
Making More
Buying online is only one side of the coin. We can also use the same online marketplaces to sell stuff, meaning more money in our pockets. Check out our recent income max guide to see the many ways we can max the cash, online and off.
Five out of ten people say that being online has helped them find a job. More and more employers are only advertising their jobs online and making us apply there. Yet 8.6 million people in the UK are still unable to fill out a job application online. Just by having the ability to complete an online application, we’re already ahead of 16 per cent of the population.
Job sites like jobs.theguardian.com offer hundreds of job vacancies in all sectors and at all levels. So, in order to get ahead and increase our chances of getting work, being online is crucial. For info on finding work, preparing for employment and loads more besides, check out our income section.
Quids in! Recognised
Quids in! has been recognised for helping people on low incomes find their way around the internet and save money. Our money emails, from the Quids In Readers Club, provide details of the latest offers, news on benefits, tips and advice. Sign up here for free, if you haven’t already, and tell your friends and family.