Job Hunting

We know how hard it can be to get a job, especially in times like these. But with the right approach and resources, the process can become much easier.

Finding the right job online 

Looking and applying for work online is quick and easy, if you know how to do it. First things first, pick a job site – there are plenty out there, and they are all pretty similar. 

Some of the most popular ones are:
Find a Job

They list thousands of new jobs every month, including entry level, low-skilled and part time.

The great thing about searching for jobs online is that we can sort jobs using the different options (called ‘filters’) to match our skills, local area and salary expectations. This saves a lot of time looking at jobs that aren’t right for us.

Advanced search

On most job sites there will be a basic search box on the main page where we can type in the area of work or job title we are looking for and the location ie city, county or postcode. Often this will bring up a long list of jobs to choose from, which can be overwhelming.

To narrow the list down, we can be more specific by using the ‘Advanced Search’ option. This uses ‘filters’, which can include salary, contract type (ie part time, contract, permanent) and sometimes by typing in certain words or phrases that are related to the job we want.

Before applying for a job, it is worth running through a mental checklist:

  1. Can we get there? (When jobs are scarce, sometimes we have to look further afield)
  2. Do we have the skills and qualifications they are asking for? (Don’t be put off, just ask: ‘Could I actually do that job?’)
  3. Do the working hours fit into your life? (It pays to be flexible but realistic.)

If the answer to any of these is ‘No’ it may be worth considering whether it is the right job. There might be someone we can contact by email or phone to discuss the role further before applying for it. This may be on the job advert itself or by searching for the company and looking for an HR / recruitment person.

Applying for a job

We can search for jobs online without setting up an account but once when the right job comes up and we’re ready to apply, we’ll normally have to register. This means giving some personal details, an email address and setting up a password. Then we will get a confirmation email from the job site.

For help on how to create an account check out this video. You’ll need a free account with LearnMyWay to view, either follow instructions in the link above or click here.

Know your rights 

When you get a job, you probably know that the law gives you all sorts of rights, but did you know that you have some rights as soon as you apply for a job?

When an employer invites us to interview, we already have rights. Whether this is face-to-face or using a video system like Zoom, they might also ask if we need any “adjustments”. This is good practice as it means they want to make the interview as easy to access as possible. Some people might worry if this could affect whether they offer us the job but the law should protect us.

The kinds of things we might ask for could be for the interview to be in a well-lit room if we are hard of hearing and need to lipread. Or we might ask for the interview to be on the ground floor if there is no lift and we cannot manage stairs. We are also entitled to ask for things like a job description in large print, if we need it.

There are things that should not affect a boss’s decision to offer us work and the law is in place to protect us. This could be around a disability or illness. It could be because we’re male or female. It might be down to our race, a prison record or a number of other things that it could be illegal to take into account. (We’ll come back to these issues at the end.)

So what can we do if we get turned down for a job and suspect the employer has been biased against us?

The first thing is to ask for feedback. Employers are not obliged to give feedback but many will. If they can’t or won’t provide a fair reason for the rejection, call the Acas helpline on 0300 123 1100*. Acas is government-funded and was set up to give free advice on workplace rights. We will be able to speak to an advisor who will talk through the options.  

* The helpline is open from 8am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday.  If we need someone to interpret, we can ask someone to ask on our behalf. People with hearing or speech difficulties can contact them using Relay UK on 18001 0300 123 1100.

There are some frequently asked questions on issues that employers should not do at interview. Click the links below to read on:

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