Is My Money On Top Of Me Quiz I’M ON TOP…OR IS MY MONEY ON TOP OF ME? Quids in! and the Open University joined forces in 2017 to help readers think about small changes to help shape a better financial future. Responses to this quiz helped the OU develop research into whether money advice guides work. The research has now closed but you can still take our 9-question money quiz to find out how you’re doing financially. Enter your email address receive a copy of your quiz results sent direct to your inbox! I’M ON TOP!! – now focus on your future to achieve your goals You’re really on top of your day-to-day finances and in a great position to cope with life’s surprises. Well done! Now you can think about your long-term future and making the most of your money. Do you have any burning goals like buying a house or a dream holiday? Are you prepared for retirement? Download the Open University’s Managing My Money Guide here and take the course online here. If you gave us your email address we’ve emailed you this information plus the immediate steps you can take to improve your financial situation today. Managing day-to-day – start putting a little by each month You’re getting by right now but one major financial shock could set you back. Could you and your family cope if you lost your job or fell ill? Saving even a small amount each month can make a big difference. It’s easier than you think. Maybe you want a holiday or a debt-free Christmas? Download the Open University’s Managing My Money Guide here and take the course online here. If you gave us your email address we’ve emailed you this information plus the immediate steps you can take to improve your financial situation today. Struggling to make ends meet– budget and take control You’re not in financial difficulty but a small financial shock or unexpected bill could push you into trouble. Take control. Look closely at your income and spending then decide what you want. Budgeting is not about giving up things that make you happy, it’s about making the most of your money. Download the Open University’s Managing My Money Guide here and take the course online here. If you gave us your email address we’ve emailed you this information plus the immediate steps you can take to improve your financial situation today. In debt difficulty – see a free professional debt advisor NOW If you’re in debt that you don’t know how to pay off then you need professional advice to guide you through. Luckily, that’s available for free. StepChange Debt Charity and your local Citizens Advice both offer free expert support to help you back to financial health. (Contact details of national charities that help are also here.) The sooner you do this, the more successful it’s likely to be and the faster the weight will lift off your shoulders. Download the Open University’s Managing My Money Guide here and take the course online here. If you gave us your email address we’ve emailed you this information plus the immediate steps you can take to improve your financial situation today. Which of the following best describes your views on money? How do you feel about how you manage your money? How do you feel about putting away savings? What’s your biggest financial worry? If you use a credit card,which statement best describes how you repay it? Do you save money? Imagine your car is essential to you – you need it to get to work or do the weekly shop – but it breaks down and the garage says it’ll cost £650 to fix it. What would you do? Your gas and electric company suddenly realises they’ve been overcharging you and refunds you £400.What would you do with the money? How do you plan your spending?