Older, wiser and reaping rewards
Many benefits remain unclaimed. To make sure you are getting everything you’re entitled to, use a benefit checker like this one on the Quids in! website.
How can I check I’m getting the right pension, benefits and credits?
Over one million pensioners are losing out on pension credits. If you want to check you’re getting the pension you’re due, call the Pensions Service on 0800 731 7898
Council Tax and Housing Benefit is dealt with by your local council, so check with them about whether or not you are eligible for help
If you have a disability or are a carer, you should contact the Benefit Enquiry Line on 0800 232 1271 or Carers UK
Other help
There is some additional help available for older people. Here are a couple – if you know of any others let us know and we’ll share it:
- Winter Fuel Payments
If you were born on or before 5 October 1954 you could get between £100 and £300 to help you pay your heating bills. This is known as a ‘Winter Fuel Payment’. For more info click here
- Free and discounted travel
If you live in London and you’re over 60 but not yet retirement age, you can apply for a 60+ Oystercard for free and discount travel