Young man and woman surrounded by packing boxes looking at checklist

Prepare To Move Checklist

Moving into a new home is an exciting time. But we need to plan a few things out to take control of the process and make sure it runs smoothly. Don’t get caught out, check out our prepare to move checklist.

Lock in the Moving Date

As soon as the tenancy agreement is signed, we should lock in a moving date. It really helps to have a date in the diary, as we can start to get the process moving. If we need to take time off work, or arrange childcare, setting the date ASAP makes planning it all that bit easier.

Spread the Word

We need to let various people know we’re moving to a new address. If we don’t do this as soon as we know our moving date, it could come back to bite us. One example is transferring out TV licence from our old address – this doesn’t happen automatically and could result in a £1,000 fine if we don’t let them know! Let everyone on the list below know of the move, and things will run smoothly:

  • TV licence (more info here)
  • Phone and Internet providers
  • Inland Revenue (Do it online here)
  • Local Council (for tax and housing benefit) (Find your local council here)
  • Bank, Building Society, Pension provider and any loans or investment companies that we owe or invest with
  • Credit card and store card companies
  • Employers
  • Schools your children attend
  • The DVLA if we drive, to renew driving licence and vehicle document registration (more info here)
  • The electoral roll – registering on the electoral roll boosts our credit rating (do it here)

Move it to Mid-Week

If we use a removal firm, we can save money by moving mid-week, if possible avoiding rush hour peaks. Fridays and Bank Holidays are peak times that often cost more, and are also more stressful due to more traffic on the roads. We can get the best deal on removals by comparing prices on sites like Really Moving, which give us five quotes to compare in no time.

Lighten the Load

There’s never a better time for a clear out than before we move. De-cluttering now makes perfect sense, meaning less stuff to move. Putting aside a couple of boxes or bags for things to chuck/give to charity means it becomes part of the packing up process. We can even make a few extra quid by selling things we no longer need on sites like ebay or shpock.

Think of the Kids!

Even with good planning, moving can cause us stress. Think about minimizing this by asking someone to look after the kids and pets for the day. It means we can focus on getting things done as quickly as possible, with minimal fuss.

Following these five simple steps will help make sure the moving process is as stress-free as possible.

For more top tips on moving home, check out Compare My Move’s guide (click here).

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