Happy man with money in the air

Max The Cash, Lower The Burden

Whether in work or not, could you increase your income and reduce those money worries weighing heavy on your mind?

Money worries impact our wellbeing so what more can we do? A better job may help but billions of pounds of benefits also go unclaimed each year even when people struggle with mounting costs and spiralling debt. Many, including people in work and pensioners, do not realise they can claim.

Nationally, the average unclaimed Housing Benefit is £58-64 per week. Tax credits (for working people) could benefit nonclaimers by £37 (Working Tax Credit) and £53 (Child Tax Credit). Pension Credits and out of work benefits were also left in government coffers.
Use an online benefits calculator, like this one on our website, to check what we’re entitled to. Local advice agencies can help make an application.

If we’re unemployed or in a job that isn’t right for us, help is available. Having control and security (and more money) will boost our wellbeing no end. Suzanne Morys from the B&NES Virgin Care team shared this advice:

“Securing employment or changing your job while supporting health concerns can be complicated. Support tailored to your needs could include help with an action plan to keep you motivated towards your goals. This can make a big difference, it’s like career mentoring.

“Take the individual approach, don’t just upload your CV to websites. Target the place you want to work and find out about the company. Look on companies’ websites as not all employers advertise through job sites.

“Spend time investing in your skills. Volunteering can demonstrate to an employer your commitment and that they should hire you.”

People who struggled to find work themselves in the past are actually employed by Bath-based Clean Slate Training & Employment to help others in that position now. It offers drop-in support across B&NES and Gloucestershire and plan to open more Quids in! branded centres across the UK in 2019. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page and Twitter feed for news of these.

Quids in! says:

  • Read our 20 tips for boosting your income here.
  • Find out of you are on top of your money  – or if your money is on top of you  – with our online quiz.
  • Check out our simple budgeting tips here.

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