Family playing with pumpkins

Save money with a free National Trust pass this autumn

The free pass is a great chance to visit somewhere new – but we have to act fast

If we’re looking for something to do to get out of the autumnal weather, we can get a free National Trust pass for a huge variety of sites.

Each pass entitles two adults and up to three children (or one adult and up to four children) to a one-time free entry. Children under five are free even without the pass.

National Trust properties include gardens, castles and other heritage sites. There’s often plenty for kids to do inside as well. There are around 500 to choose from.

The free National Trust pass is a limited offer so we’ll have to apply by 20 October – although the passes may run out before this date. We can apply here.

We’ll also have to use the pass by 20 October.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that some properties won’t be included. But it’s worth booking in advance anyway, so this way we’ll know for sure that it’s free before we turn up.

When we’re booking online, it’s just a case of using the code ESCAPEINTOAUTUMN2023 instead of a membership number.

It’s a great chance to get into nature and enjoy the autumn colours, or visit a historic site that we’ve always wanted to see.

Image: National Trust

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