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New rules to help us get support from energy supplier

It should be easier to get in touch with our energy supplier under the new rules

New rules should make it easier for us to get support from our energy supplier if we’re struggling with our bills this winter.

Energy regulator Ofgem has introduced the rules, which mean our supplier must make it easier for us to contact them. For example, they need to offer more than one method, like a phone number and email address.

They must also offer a debt repayment plan, if we need one, as soon as possible.

And they should also consider offering us a debt repayment holiday.

It should also be easier to see how good their customer service is too. We can do this by checking their Citizens Advice star rating

From 14 December, energy suppliers will have to publish these ratings themselves. They’re based on things like customer service, complaints and guarantees.

Ofgem says it has also been working on other protections for consumers this winter.

Quids in! has already reported on changes to the rules on forced installations of prepayment meters.

This means that anyone over 75 (who has no other support in the house) cannot be forced to have a prepayment meter installed. And anyone with a child under two cannot be forced to have one either.

If we think we might struggle to pay our energy bills this winter, we should get in touch with our supplier as soon as we can.

And if we don’t feel our supplier is complying with the new rules, or if we have other complaints about them, we can complain to Ofgem. Their complaints page is here.

Image: Alexander Suhorucov / Pexels

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